Thursday, May 24, 2012

Death by Board Game!

Finally got that mouse that has been taunting us for weeks....I first put peppermint oil on cotton balls and put them in all the kitchen hiding places. Then...he couldn't stand the smell and ran out into the living room where Robin (Grammie) & Georgia (10 month old) were sitting on the floor. The mouse ran over Robin's hand. She screamed and jumped up. The mouse, which was sitting next to Georgia, just stared up at her. Georgia turned around to pat the cute mouse. I yelled, Robin scooped up Georgia and jumped onto the sofa. I grabbed the first thing I could find...a monopoly game box... and threw it at the mouse. The mouse lay there.. I picked up the scrabble box...Katie (G's Mom) is yelling "stop, stop, not the Scrabble box..Noooo!" Josh came downstairs with his trademark annoyed expression, picked up the mouse and went out to the woods with Katie to dispose of it. Hmmm wonder how many more cute mice are hiding. I am in the process of 'pepperminting' them out of all their hiding places..stay tuned... there may be another 'Death by Board Game" story to tell!


  1. Try Trivial Pursuit next. That should flatten them! Note to mice: Do not get between a mommy and her baby! ~ Maureen

    1. I have all the board games ready...just in case!

  2. Hah hah that is funny. Can't believe it sat there starring at the baby and she was going to pat it. I think your mouse thought he was a pet. Hopefully he didn't multiply under your roof. Let's hope he was a loner.

    1. My hubbie thinks that was the only one, but I keep telling him the mouse I saw in the bathroom was much bigger. I think the one I murdered was just a toddler.
